EuroCost International
Your global mobility specialist
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Cost of living indices
Calculate the fairest remuneration
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Rent surveys
Choosing the right housing
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Living conditions de vie
Better know the (future) expatriation city
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School fees
Find the best french, european, international school
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Short term mission indices
Calculate the appropriate compensation to employees on short-term mission
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Mission expenses
Calculate appropriate compensation to employees on short-term mission
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Geographic coverage
More than 320 cities and 200 countries available and new cities regularly added
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Apart from the standard services available with no delay, EuroCost International can undergo any specific research in the field of cost of living and price comparisons.


We can easily adapt all our services so that they fully match your needs, like for example exclude some items of a cost of living index or calculate a specific housing allocation based on our rent surveys.


We can conduct a price survey in a specific location upon request and transmit the correspondent cost of living index within the best delays.


We are at your service to conduct any specific study based on price comparisons.

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