EuroCost International
Your global mobility specialist
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Cost of living indices
Calculate the fairest remuneration
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Rent surveys
Choosing the right housing
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Living conditions de vie
Better know the (future) expatriation city
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School fees
Find the best french, european, international school
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Short term mission indices
Calculate the appropriate compensation to employees on short-term mission
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Mission expenses
Calculate appropriate compensation to employees on short-term mission
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Geographic coverage
More than 320 cities and 200 countries available and new cities regularly added
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At a time when Europe is growing, EuroCost International has decided to settle in the very heart of it, in Luxembourg.


A major force of EuroCost International is its human capital, with confirmed experts of expatriation and cost of living.


When our collaborators help you to manage the international mobility of your company, they do not only share their expertise with you, but also the experience acquired during the numerous missions they have conducted and, for some of them, their own experience of expatriation.


Another force of EuroCost International is an ever-increasing network of surveyors that collects all the necessary information to update our data. Those surveyors conduct acurate price surveys in more than 200 countries.


Over the years, EuroCost International has gained the trust of its customers around the world. The quality and flexibility of our services can meet the expectancies of multinational groups as well as those of smaller companies, official institutions or charities.

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